
Designer  Sofia Mohr
Publisher — Latinotype
Date May 2022

Seriguela is an ultra condensed sans serif typeface with a unique personality. It comes in normal and display versions, each with 9 weights, as well as italics and reverse italics totaling 54 fonts.

Seriguela is flavor in motion and each part of its system works together to captivate you, combining emotion and usability, allowing you to create attractive and unique designs.

Seriguela followed a very distinctive recipe to design its alphabet: it started with a grotesque base and applied movement and joy in a very original way. The blacker and more contrasted, the tastier.

The contrast in its display version is one of the most important features of Seriguela: the unconventional relationship between thick and thin lines, as it does not strictly follow any historical model of contrast construction and makes it noticeable. Its high contrast is not present in every single character and it is often in the “wrong” places.

The original charm of Seriguela is maintained throughout all its styles. With peculiar details: the verticality and its proportions, as well as terminals that resemble hooks in some curves, a characteristic that breaks with the vertical modular rhythm.

Seriguela is a versatile font system, designed primarily for display uses with a need of visual impact.




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