
Designer  Sofia Mohr
Publisher — Fábio Haag Type
Date Mar 2024

Pitanga: our new font has the versatility typical of those who are Brazilian by nature.

The Fabio Haag Type studio launches its first font in partnership with award-winning designer Sofia Mohr, inspired by the many Brazils that exist.

Imagine a Brazil that can only be visited between the lines, with an identity that manifests in unpredictable ways. In the footballer’s twisted leg, in the sudden improvisation, in the softness of Bossa, and in the infinity of colors, shapes, and expressions that make up this reliquary of peoples and cultures.

The Pitanga font absorbs the many Brazils that exist to roam freely with light, organic, and loose strokes, creating a sculpted typeface for a diversity of usages. Its designer, Sofia Mohr, created a font that is music to our eyes. It is the form in its most irreverent and uncompromising function, but no less memorable, as in the best sambas.

Like the kid who draws in the beach sand or the kite that takes the skies of Vidigal, Pitanga expands with a calculated rebellion that calls itself flexible. A versatile and expressive font that shows off its curves with confidence and personality. It is Brazil in type form.



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