
Designer  Sofia Mohr
Publisher — Fábio Haag Type
Date Nov 2024

What is coziness to you?
The comfort that finds its fit.
The lightness that brings strokes together.
The charm that accentuates forms.
It’s an encounter that opens quotation marks for pleasant sensations.
“Come closer.”
“What a nice surprise.”
“I’m so glad you came.”
For us, a touch of coziness fits everywhere.
In a free afternoon of crossword puzzles accompanying ocean waves.
In a long conversation with your best friend.
In a poster with beautiful words in your favorite neighborhood.
If everything can be cozy, why not invite these good feelings into a typeface?
Geometrically cozy encounters.
Functionally relaxing forms.
Flexible smooth characters.
Essentially comfortable strokes.
Contemporarily gentle letterforms.
Ah, what a lovely thing.
It allows for a unique, versatile, and distinctive touch from A to Z.
Since we’re here to accent encounters, we’d like to invite you:
Where can you bring more coziness?



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